Welcome to Ms. Lovejoy's Kindergarten Classroom Page!

KB Academic Schedule:
Integrated Arts Days:
Monday: Guidance
Tuesday: Language/PE
Wednesday: Music/PE
Thursday: Library/Art
About Mrs. Lovejoy:
I am a born and raised Vermonter, I grew up in Colchester not too far from here! I moved to Florida for 6 years after high school. I attended the University of Tampa where I received my undergrad in Elementary Education. From there I taught for two years in the Sunshine State before deciding to move back to the state that I LOVE! This is my 10th year as a classroom teacher and my 8th in Kindergarten. I love being a child’s first teacher, there is just something so special about setting the groundwork for a child’s education.
Some of my favorite things are: dancing, baking, the color pink, yoga, and chocolate!