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CIUUSD Input from Stakeholders

The Champlain Islands Unified Union School District (CIUUSD) Board recognizes that this year's school budget cycle presented difficult challenges for voters, parents, staff, and the Board itself. The Board is committed to considering structural changes to reduce the pressure on future budgets while protecting educational quality.  The board could implement some ideas within a year, others would require voter approval, agreement from other school districts, or even legislative changes. We hope to gauge community sentiment and develop initial proposals before this fall's next budget cycle begins.

To that end, CIUUSD has formed a study committee to assist the Board in planning and dialog with the community. The committee includes individuals from all three towns who bring a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives.  The committee has met several times and is considering several proposals that have been brought to the Board over the course of the year.  The committee will eventually report findings to the CIUUSD Board to help inform the budgeting process for next year.

Part of this process is gauging community sentiment towards various options.  We are reaching out to all community members: voters, parents, and staff.  Your input is important.

Please take a moment to provide your input in this google form: CIUUSD Input from Stakeholders