The Wildcat Week Ahead is Live! You can also access our school newsletters on our website under the principal's page.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
CIUUSD K-3 music and art night is here!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
K-3 Music Night!
student artwork
Summer Programming Registration is HERE! Check out the slideshow for offerings and registration information.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
The Wildcat Week Ahead is LIVE!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
Wrestling Practice Update: Monday, February 13th, 2023 is being moved to Tuesday February 14th, 2023: 6:00 -7:00 PM grades K-2 6:00 - 7:30 PM for grades 3-6. This will be the only day it is changed. If you have any additional questions please email Dan Foster at
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
Hi Everyone! The Grand Isle Rec Department will be hosting Volleyball Clinics in the Gym at Grand Isle starting March. The clinics are on Saturdays and the dates are March 11th, 18th, 25th, and April 1st, 8th, and 15th. They are open to 3rd-6th grade and the times are 3rd and 4th grade: 9:30am-10:45am, 5th and 6th grade: 10:45am- 12pm. 🏐 Here is the link to the sign up form with more information: Melissa and Shawn Steady will be coaching the team, You can contact them at
about 2 years ago, Hannah Skibitski
Welcome to this week's Wildcat Week Ahead!
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
Today's basketball games are postponed. There will be open gym time from 5:30-6:30 at GIS. All basketball team players are welcome. This is not mandatory.
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
The Wildcat Week Ahead for January 23-27
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
The Wildcat Week Ahead is Live!
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
Reminder: No school on Monday, January 16th.
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
No School January 16
Kindergarten register is here!
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
Grand Isle School Kindergarten Registration is Live! Please go to Click on the menu Navigate to the bottom of the menu to find the link!
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
Welcome to Kindergarten
Our Wildcat Weekly is Live!
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
Hi GIS Community, This Thursday, January 5th, was going to be our second Ski and Ride Day. However, due to the lack of snow, we will reschedule this day. Thanks, Mrs. H
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
Hi GIS Community! Here is our first newsletter of 2023!
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
The last newsletter of 2022!
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
Hi Families, The buses left about 10 minutes late. Kids are on their way!
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
Today, 12/15, there is no basketball practice for the boys or girls' teams. Please email with updated dismissal plans.
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon
The newest Wildcat Weekly is LIVE!
about 2 years ago, Ashley Hanlon